RO-MAN 2021
Advance Materials

Introduction: Advance Material
Disability Rights and Robotics: Developing co-production methodologies for the user and community centred design of robots
Slides which will be used in our introductory session which accompanies our script.

Introduction: Advance Material
Disability Rights and Robotics: Developing co-production methodologies for the user and community centred design of robots
Script which will be used for our introductory session which accompanies the slides.
Session 1: Advance Material
Disability History Month: How far have we come? How far have we to go?
Blog post by Esther Fox
I am the Head of the Accentuate Programme, a cultural programme leading ground-breaking projects for D/deaf and disabled people. Our approach is built on the foundation stone of the Social Model of Disability, created by the pioneering group UPIAS, over 40 years ago. Although this model is not entirely perfect, it does enable us to re-consider disability not as a medical deficit, but as a construct created by society which “disables” the person. This allows us to think differently about such things as access; as not being discretionary, but as a human right.

Session 1: Advance Material
Art in the time of Covid: Using Telepresence Robotics to enable access to museums and galleries
Presentation slides by Esther Fox

Session 1: Advance Material
Knowledge Robo Café 2020 - Cartoon
We collaborated with cartoonist Sam Church to represent our Robo-Cafe event. Our intentions for doing this were, what was good about this was, what we got out of it was.

Session 1: Advance Material
Disability rights and robotics: Co-producing futures report
The research question for the project was:
How can robotic technologies support disability rights?
The project had two aims:
• to identify priority research questions into disability rights and robotics
• to develop the co-production process for future research
This project brought together a team of 25 co-researchers from the University of the West of England, Fairfield Farm College and Wiltshire Centre of Independent Living. The co-researchers are a diverse group including disabled people, carers, students, and academics from social work, psychology and sociology to robotics. Our research team demonstrates a wealth of experiences as some members had both lived experience of disability, in addition to being involved in teaching, learning and research.

Session 1: Advance Material
Disability Rights and Robotics: co-producing futures presentation
Slides and script for Session 1 presentation which will be presented by the Disability Rights and Robotics host team, Sophie Savage and Dr Tillie Curran.
Session 1 & 2: Advance Material
Telepresence tour of the Assisted Living Studio at Bristol Robotics Lab
You can download full transcript of this tour - By Professor Praminda Caleb-Solly, Alex Sleat and the rest of the Disability Rights and Robotics Project team. Brought to you in conjunction with the AHRC D4D project, Social Science in the City for Disability History Month. With thanks to Michael Gardner. Registered Sign Language Interpreter. NRCPD ID No: 1011700
Session 2: Advance Material
Global South perspectives on developing user and community-led priorities for co-production research
Video Presentation by Professor Marisol Moreno Angarita - Disability and Robotics: 'What is this about in the Global South?' Description: Video pre-recorded. Persons with Disabilities, caregivers, researchers, stakeholders and professionals, will express their perceptions of the role of robotics in people's lives in the Global South, emphasizing the meanings, practices and results of this “new reality” in Colombia.

Session 3: Advance Material
Living Life to the Fullest: The Co-Researcher Collective (2018)
In this short documentary, Living Life to the Fullest Project Co-researchers - all young disabled people with what are known as 'life-limiting' and 'life threatening' impairments - explain how the Collective developed, its role, and the expertise it brings as a group of young disabled people co-leading a research project of this kind. The Co-Researcher Collective also outlines its innovative use of on-line methods and, more broadly, the ways in which it is shaping the wider project. To learn more about our project please see and follow our blog!
Transcript of the video is also available for download.
Session 3: Advance Material
Why Can't We Dream
Working in partnership with disabled children and young people labelled with life-limiting or life-threatening impairments (hereby LL/LTIs) and their allies, the Living Life to the Fullest project aimed to explore the lives, hopes, desires and contributions of disabled children and young people. Living Life to the Fullest was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.
This toolkit details how we, as a project team made up of academics, researchers, charities and disabled people’s organisations, and a Co-Researcher Collective of disabled young people living with LL/LTIs, carried out a co-produced arts-informed research project that centred the lives of disabled children and young people and their families.

Session 3: Advance Material
Living Life to the Fullest: Co-Production, Disability and Youth
Slides and Script for Dr. Kirsty Liddiard's session

Session 3: Advance Material
How Can Disability Disrupt Robotics?
Slides for session 3 presentation which will presented by Professor Carla Rice.

Session 4: Advance Material
Using the Evaluation Cube online tool
There is a link to the Evalusation Cube, and instructions for accessing and using the cube to accompany Associate Professor Andy Gibson's tutorial.
The evaluation tool will work on most modern browsers on Desktop computers: Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Safari.
We advise against using this version of the tool on mobile phones/ tablet. We are developing the next version of the tool to work across more devices. If you don't have a desktop, you could try your mobile gadget – it will work on Chrome, Firefox and Brave - but you might need to have your gadget in landscape rather than horizontal.
It does not work on IE11 and Safari 5, or older than 3 or so years versions of Chrome, Firefox, Brave. It works in Safari but the image may be slightly clipped.